Software Engineer in Manchester Developing Full Stack skills and looking to contribute to open source projects and collaborate with other developers. Feel free to contact me for website/application development solutions.
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What services I can provide
Responsive Development

Responsive Design is essential for creating content that is visually appealing across a a range of devices of various sizes. This can be done with browser compatibility in mind to serve the widest range on users. The majority of users are viewing websites on their smartphones and tablets in comparison to 5 years ago so it is essential to design for these audiences.

Problem Solving

Strong problem solving skills are very important, often so many bugs can be solved by isolating the problem. Using pen and paper or whiteboard and thinking the problem through logically. This allows for a clean step by step analysis of the code and what isn't executing correctly. Once this has been established often the solution has already been written ready to implement.

Full Stack Development

From front end static website to dynamically generated web applications. I am well versed in creating high standard websites from the front end technologies to the backend as well as setting up servers and deployment of the end product.

Application Architecture

By using strong design skills and UML type implementations. I can plan out the lifecycle of creating the application, which elements need more time attributed and how they will be coded. By carefully planning, a lot of time can be saved as there is already a clear infrastructure on how to proceed effectively.

Qualifications and Experience
About Me
What skills I can provide
Clean Efficient Code

Clean code, helped by peer reviews from an experienced developer, working in industry taught alot of conventions to avoid 'Spaghetti Code'. Factors such as layout, design, naming conventions and relevant names can lead to cleaner code. Through the implementation of modularisation one can achieve such a result, creating a codebase with better structure and usability is crucial for maintainability. Documentation and clear comments allows future users how it works.

Project Management

Project management is very important as such I endeavor to be as effective as I can with my Projects. I do this by adopting Agile approach whether working individually or as part of a team. Kanban is my most familiar lean method for software creation, it allows for effective yet precise project management tailoring to continuious delivery for the client. Trello/JIRA for sprint management SCRUM Meetings Github/Bitbucket for version control.

Version Control

As my career progresses I learn more and more about how valuable version control is, whether it is managing semantic versioning to apply major, minor and patches. It allows developers a way in which to work on the same project using a remote repository. This also allows you to work on branches for specific features which can be integrated to the development branch. Another benefit is you can revert to specific HEAD values which are essentially deltas from commits.

Quick/Avid Learner

Team Treehouse, Udemy, Personal Projects. Read both online and book collection, Codewars you will often find me reading a book or online article on new ways to improve my skillsets.


I am a determined and enthusiatic worker who always puts in 110% effort in order to attain the best results possible for a given task. I am hardworking and punctual, as a Junior Developer I spend alot of my spare time making sure I am constantly improving my skills, aiming to heighten my capabilities and be the best I can be.

Team Work

I have a strong ability of working within a team adapting to roles and being a valuable part of any team. I am a loyal team player who values expanding company culture so the work place can be the best possible working environment. My experience in communication software includes but is not limited to JIRA, Trello, Slack and Google Hangouts.

Latest Projects
Personal projects I can talk about
Ecommerce Store

MAfter dealing with many e-commerce websites I decided I would attempt to build my own, without using any kind of e-commerce platform or CMS. Using the PHP framework Laravel. I managed to created a dynamic website that has different sets of working product recommendations alongside a fully functioning cart and checkout.

Products can be added and removed from the sql database and changes will be reflected on the front end of the website. This is far from a perfect ecommerce store but I am happy with the results as building this side-project allowed me to gain valuable insight and experience building my own store.

React user search

When first learning React I wanted to create a small application that could be used within the real world. So I created a user search app by integrating an API get a set amount of users then utilising Reacts state to allow the search of users. See working demo here.


As an active participant in codepen challenges I aim to refine my design and UX skills via the challenges set. This often allows me to experiment with technologies and advance my front end web development skills.

Task Master

Task Master is an application for monitoring tasks that need doing, adding deadlines on a per user basis. This was created as a simple resource for handling personal to dos as well as an opportunity to progress my knowledge of Laravel. Allowing me to integrate DBAL and ORM features into the application using Eloquent.

Development Skill Attributions
  • Relational Databases
  • Javascript
  • Responsive Design
  • Git Workflow
  • Web Server Technologies (Nginx, NodeJS, Apache)
  • Development Environment Setup (Vagrant, AWS, Currently learning Docker)